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Jesus turned to me and said, "Many in the last days will depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and will serve sin.

  Come out from among them, and be separate. 

Walk not in the way with them."

As we walked away, the woman began to curse and swear at Jesus.  She screamed and cried with rage.  We walked on.  I was so weak in body.

In the next pit was the form of another skeleton.  I smelled the odor of death even before we arrived.  This skeleton looked the same as the others.

I wondered what this soul had done that it should be lost and hopeless, with no future except an eternity in this dreadful place.  Hell is for eternity.  As I heard the crying of the souls in torment, I cried too.

I listened as a woman spoke to Jesus from the flames of the pit.  She was quoting the Word of God.  "Dear Lord, what is she doing here?" I asked.

"Listen," said Jesus.

The woman said, "Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life.  No man comes to the Father but by Him.  Jesus is the Light of the World.  Come to Jesus, and He will save you."

When she spoke, many of the lost souls around her listened.  Some swore and cursed at her.  Some told her to stop.  Still others said, "Is there really hope?" or "Help us, Jesus." Great cries of sorrow filled the air.

I didn't understand what was happening.  I did not know why the woman was preaching the gospel here.

The Lord knew my thoughts.  He said, "Child, I called this woman at the age of thirty to preach My Word and to be a witness of the gospel.  I call different ones for different purposes in My body.  But if man or woman, boy or girl doesn't want My Spirit, I will depart.

"Yes, she did answer My call for many years, and she grew in the knowledge of the Lord.  She learned My voice, and she did many good works for Me.  She studied the Word of God.  She prayed often, and she had many prayers answered.  She taught many people the way of holiness.  She was faithful in her house.

"The years went by until one day she found out that her husband was having an affair with another woman.  And even though he asked for forgiveness, she grew bitter and would not forgive him and try to save her marriage.  True, her husband was wrong, and he did commit a very grave sin.

"But this woman knew My Word.  She knew to forgive, and she knew that with every temptation there is a way of escape.  Her husband asked her to forgive him.  She would not.  Instead, anger took root.  Anger grew inside her.  She would not turn it over to Me.  She turned more bitter each day and said in her heart, 'Here I am serving God all the way, and my husband is running around with another woman! 'Do you think that is right?' She said to Me.

"I said, 'No, it is not right.  But he came to you and repented and said he would never do that again.

"I told her, 'Daughter, look inside yourself, and see that you have caused this yourself”

"'Not me, Lord,' she said, 'I am the holy one, and he is the sinful one.' She would not listen to Me.

"Time went on, and she wouldn't pray to Me or read the Bible.  She became angry not only at her husband, but also at those around her.  She quoted the Scriptures, but she would not forgive him.

"She would not listen to Me.  Her heart grew bitter, and great sin entered in.  Murder grew in her heart where love had once been.  And one day, in her anger, she killed her husband and the other woman.  satan then took her over completely, and she killed herself.  "

I looked at that lost soul that had given up Christ and condemned her soul forever to the flames and the pain.  I listened as she responded to Jesus.  "I will forgive now, Lord,” she said.  "Let me out.  I will obey You now.  See, Lord, I am preaching Your Word now.  In an hour demons will come to take me to be tormented even worse.  For hours they will torture me.  Because I was preaching your Word, my torments are worse.  Please, Lord, I beg You to let me out."

I cried with the woman in the pit and asked the Lord to please keep me from all bitterness of heart.  "Don't let me allow hatred to come into my heart, Lord Jesus,” I said.

"Come, let us go on," Jesus said