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Spiritual Inteligence

Emocna inteligencia je vlastna vyssim cicavcom.

Duchovna inteligencia je vlastna len cloveku. Je velmi dolezita.

“As human beings we all want to be happy and free from misery... we have learned that the key to happiness is inner peace. The greatest obstacles to inner peace are disturbing emotions such as anger, attachment, fear and suspicion, while love and compassion and a sense of universal responsibility are the sources of peace and happiness.” ~ Danah Zohar

Spiritual Intelligence is even more fundamental, however. Spiritual intelligence represents our drive for meaning and connection with the infinite. Spiritual intelligence also helps us discern true principles that are part of our conscience.

“High SQ demands the most intense personal integrity. It demands that we stand open to experience, that we recapture our ability to see life and others afresh, as though through the eyes of a child, to learn how to tap into our intuition and visualization, as a powerful means of using our inner knowing to “make a difference.” It demands that we cease to seek refuge in what we know and constantly explore and learn from what we do not know. It demands that we live the questions rather than the answers.” ~ Danah Zoha

“High SQ demands the most intense personal integrity. It demands that we stand open to experience, that we recapture our ability to see life and others afresh, as though through the eyes of a child, to learn how to tap into our intuition and visualization, as a powerful means of using our inner knowing to “make a difference.” It demands that we cease to seek refuge in what we know and constantly explore and learn from what we do not know. It demands that we live the questions rather than the answers.” ~ Danah Zoha





SQ 21: The Twenty-One Skills of Spiritual Intelligence


According to author Cindy Wigglesworth, Spiritual Intelligence is "the ability to behave with wisdom and compassion while maintaining inner and outer peace regardless of the situation." In her new book, SQ21: The Twenty-One Skills of Spiritual Intelligence, Cindy helps us understand how spiritual intelligence is analogous to such concepts as IQ and emotional intelligence (EQ). Using clear, practical language she defines the "21 skills" that comprise spiritual intelligence and in doing so, teaches you the steps to begin developing your own spiritual intelligence.


Cindy refers to her method as "spiritual weightlifting"--a process whereby we work to develop our "muscles" to shift away from thinking with our self-focused ego to behaving from our more loving and peaceful Higher Self. Her model is both faith-friendly and faith-neutral, and SQ21 offers a way for atheists, people of faith, and those who are "spiritual but not religious" to understand each other and discuss our universal concerns. These skills are especially crucial for those in positions of leadership, since they help us to make decisions on a higher level while in the midst of stress, complexity, and high rates of change. If you want more peace, wisdom and compassion in your life-- SQ21 is the book for you.